Our Crowdfinancing Campaign has started

Waiting is finally over. We have launched our first CROWDFINANCING campaign. Now it’s up to you to make it a success! Invest now!

Our Project

Since 2019, we have been working in Borneo (Indonesia) with local smallholders to regenerate the landscape destroyed by illegal mining, monocultures and illegal mines. But not only that! We want our work to have a long-term, real impact on the climate and local people. That’s why we’ve developed a business model built on scalable agroforestry plantations. Believe us, it sounds more complicated than it actually is.

What we do?
Together with local farmers, we plant fast-growing light wood and regional food. At the same time, our forest plantations form a natural border between monocultures and the rainforest. In this way, we protect existing rainforest areas.

Our first plantation covers an area of around 3,000 hectares; it is proof that our reforestation concept works and is scalable. Our target: 100,000 hectares. This results in a total climate potential of about 300,000 t CO2eq. In addition, this area provides the livelihood for around 750 people.

By investing in our sustainable and profitable climate solution, YOU become an active part of our community and can help create a safe and green future.

Our Impact

We don’t just plant trees. Our climate solution combines social impact with green returns. So you can save the climate and earn money in the process! By 2027, we aim to manage 100,000 hectares, create attractive investment opportunities, improve the livelihoods of around 50,000 local people, protect biodiversity, and sequester and conserve around 300,000 metric tons of CO2 equivalent annually

Massive goals that we can achieve with your support!

It’s your turn. Make a difference!

In order for our campaign to be a complete success and to reach our goal, we need like-minded people who are willing to actively participate in our community. In return we offer:

  • A profitable climate solution with an interest rate of 5% p.a.!
  • A way to get active and earn money in the process!
  • A positive climate effect and long-term employment opportunities for the local population!


How much can I invest?

Natural persons can legally invest up to €25,000 if they have the required monthly income or appropriate reserves. Institutional investors or professional investors are not limited in the amount of their investment. The minimum investment is 250 €. We offer investors investment opportunities between € 250 and € 25,000.

Are there additional costs for an investment?

Besides the invested amount, there are no additional costs for you. We as the issuer take over all costs for the approval, legal security and software. We always try to keep the costs as low as possible, so that your investment achieves the greatest possible impact.

Can I withdraw from my investment?

Yes, you can cancel and withdraw from your investment in writing and in the correct form within 14 days of concluding the contract. This is the statutory right of withdrawal. The invested amount will then be fully refunded.

What happens if the funding treshold is not reached?

We have deliberately chosen to define a funding threshold of 200,000 euros to ensure that the costs incurred by the campaign and the amount available are in an economic/reasonable ratio. As soon as we have collected this amount of investments, the campaign is considered successful and the interest on the investments starts (if the end of the campaign has not already been reached).

Why are the trees cut down again?

Our reforestation concept is based on a self-sustaining business concept. This means that our company is self-financing in the long term and that the income generated provides incentives for the local population in Indonesia in particular to reforest the degraded areas instead of clearing further rainforest areas for the sale of timber or the cultivation of palm oil, for example. Our market-based approach thus provides local income opportunities, positive contributions to the climate while creating a responsible investment opportunity for investors and the climate. After the trees are harvested, the areas are replanted from scratch.

Do local communities also benefit financially?

On the one hand, we offer jobs to the local communities and thus provide a regular source of income. For the cooperation with the communities, we have established an Indonesian subsidiary PT FSF as an implementing agency, which has entered into a 30-year profit-sharing cooperation agreement with the Batu Bulan cooperative, the owner of the land title. For the cooperation with the communities, we have a specialized socialization team that represents the interests of the cooperative. In accordance with the UN guidelines, the communities have also participated in the Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) process and fully support the project.

More questions?

Feel free to contact our colleague Franziska Steinhübel by e-mail (franziska.steinhuebel@fairventures.earth).

Notice pursuant to Section 12 (2) of the German Investment Act (Vermögensanlagegesetz): The acquisition of this investment involves considerable risks and may result in the complete loss of the assets invested.