Investor Visit to Our Project Site

Contact Person

Yuris Orchita Hapsari

Socialization and Technical Assistant - Field Staff

We were truly honoured to have a group of investors visit our project site in Besole Village, Tulungagung Regency, East Java. This three day visit, from October 30 to November 1, marked a meaningful step forward for the future of our company. With us, joined representatives from Good Energies Foundation: Mr. Simon Siantidis | LinkedIn⁤, our partner since 2019. With us also Mr. Brannicmaijer, as well as Mr. Joosten Rik | LinkedIn⁤ (CEO of XChain Energy), who has flown from Europe. And we were so happy to have with us our domestic guest, Mr Kartawirya from Indonesian Lightwood Association (ILWA).

Throughout the visit, we held meetings and discussions, allowing our guests to know more with the Fairventure family, understand the JNBS business model, and gain insights into our work in Besole Village. We also had the opportunity to guide our guests on a field tour, where they directly observed the progress of our Agroforestry Demonstration Project, witnessed our good collaboration with the Agro Makmur Lestari Forest Farmer Group and many partners, and experienced firsthand the impact we’re creating for the local community.

Here’s a look at the highlights from these three meaningful days:

Photo 1: Presentation by the JNBS team on our work in Besole Village and meeting with local partner (Forest Farmer Group and NGO partner)

Photo 2 - 5: Field visit to our demonstration plot project and interaction with farmers

Photo 6: Dinner with JNBS partners, including Forest Farmer Group, NGO ARuPA, and East Java Forestry Service Branch.

This visit has been a valuable opportunity to share our vision for the future and showcase positive progress in the field. Key insight as noted by Mr Simon Siantidis is that social forestry areas offer opportunities for restoration, community empowerment, and socio-economic impact. Realising this potential requires agroforestry models that drive sustainable value chains, supported by strong partnerships and trust among stakeholders from farmers to NGO, traders, and financiers.

We are grateful for the support and positive interest from all our investors, guests, and partners. We look forward to continuing this journey and working together for creating economical impact and social impact for the community through our partnership.

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